There are a number of reasons
why using timber for transit packaging is still the top choice with companies
throughout the UK and around the world and, despite the competition from the
likes of plastic or metal, timber is still hard to beat. So what exactly are
the benefits of using timber packaging over any other materials?
Environmental impact
Trees are known to help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Trees absorb CO2 - one of the main causes of global warming - which they use to grow, and the payoff for us is that they release oxygen back into the atmosphere. Timber used for transit packaging can be in the form of wooden pallets, cases or crates and using these products is one way of helping to sustain forests. It’s estimated that in Europe some 400 million timber pallets are produced every year, representing a saving of 12 million tonnes of carbon dioxide.
Carbon neutral
Trees are also carbon neutral, so that as well as being beautiful to look at, providing us with shade, material to build shelter, and a source of food and energy, when a tree reaches the end of its natural life and rots or is burned, it releases the same amount of carbon dioxide it has stored.
Use and use again
Wooden crates, cases, pallets, in fact any type of timber packaging, is naturally strong and durable and can stand a fair amount of handling – rough or otherwise – without suffering significant damage. When it is damaged, timber can be easily repaired and, if beyond repair, it can be recycled or reused in some other guise. Even when the humble pallet reaches the end of its productive life, it can be burned as an alternative to some other fossil fuels to generate power or heat for domestic and commercial purposes. Timber can also be shredded or chipped to be used as bedding for livestock, in the garden, playground, or as a natural product for landscaping projects.
Green credentials
Companies who choose to use timber transit packaging over plastic or steel are also sending out a message to their customers and the public as a whole. It may be a subtle message but it is still one worth making. Using a natural and organic material and one that is sustainable, such as timber, is a tangible way of showing consideration for the environment.
Cost effective
Choosing to use timber transit packaging is also cost effective. Wooden packaging is in plentiful supply and is available in the UK, so there are no air miles involved in importing the material. Wood for packaging is relatively inexpensive to buy, is durable and dependable, cheap to repair and can be recycled when no longer good for its prime purpose.
More for less
One last point in favour of timber packaging over plastic or metals, is the fact that during the production process, timber has a so-called negative carbon intensity. In plain language, this means that the level of carbon dioxide stored during production and transportation, is greater than the process itself produced!
For more information on timber for transit packaging, you can visit the Nicklin website.
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